Tatsuya's declaration of "safety + peace of mind" ~ All of Tatsuya's Kobe beef has been inspected ~

*Added in May 2016 Voluntary inspection of all cattle for radioactive cesium in beef will be completed by the end of FY2016.
Click here for details

(*From April 1st, the provisional standard value was abolished and changed from 500bq/kg to 100bq/kg.Accordingly, the inspection standard has also been changed.)
*October 6, 2011 Coverage note: I have been interviewing the radioactivity measurement site has been uploaded.

Tatsuya wants to deliver not only safety but also peace of mind.

Since July 2011, the issue of cesium contamination, which has been reported in the media, has been explained in our blog .
As mentioned in the article above, Kobe beef is declared to be "safe" by "Hyogo Prefecture" and "JA".
At Tatsuya, in order to give our customers "more peace of mind", we have decided to handle only Kobe beef that has been "completely inspected " from the shipment on September 5th.

About the "safety" of Kobe beef

(This is a summary of the previous article " Radioactive Cesium Contamination ")

1. Hyogo Prefecture does not use any rice straw from the region.

"Hyogo Prefecture Agricultural Administration and Environment Department Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Bureau Livestock Division" and "Nen-noh Hyogo Prefectural Headquarters (JA)" give only "Hyogo Prefecture, Tottori Prefecture, and imported rice straw" to livestock farmers in Hyogo Prefecture. and does not use rice straw from the Tohoku and Kanto regions.”

2. All Kobe beef is from Hyogo Prefecture

By definition, Kobe beef must be Tajima beef "born and raised in Hyogo prefecture" for generations.
As a Kobe beef specialty store, we only handle Kobe beef, so there is no influx of beef from other prefectures.
(A "Kobe Meat Certificate" is attached to the meat. Tracking is possible by the individual identification number.)

3. Kobe beef is closed breeding

"Tajima Beef", which is the base cattle of Kobe Beef, is fattened under the firm differentiation of "closed breeding" that does not cross with brand cattle from other prefectures.
The history and fattening method have been handed down from the Meiji period to the present day without change. In the future, there will be no crossbreeding with products from other prefectures.
(You can see the materials in the previous article " Radioactive Cesium Contamination ")

Seeking further peace of mind, we only sell Kobe beef that has been "tested for radioactivity"

As mentioned above, the safety of Kobe beef is ensured, but in order to make your purchase more secure,
From September 5, 2011, we have decided to handle only Kobe beef that has been " tested for radioactive cesium".

What is "whole head examination"?

At the time of slaughter, the meat of the neck part of all carcasses to be shipped is collected, cut into dice and measured.
If more than 250 becquerels per kilogram are detected, a more detailed inspection will be conducted. (The national provisional standard is 500 becquerels per kilo)
From April 1, 2012, if 100 becquerel or more per kilogram is detected, shipment will be suspended.
Furthermore, as of July 6, 2012, Kobe Chuchiku will measure with Bertold's " Becquerel Monitor LB200 " and if the detected value is between 50Bq/Kg and 99Bq/Kg, a detailed inspection will be carried out.
(As of July 6, 2012, there is no track record of shipment suspension and detailed inspection (50-99Bq/Kg detection) at Kobe City Central Wholesale Market Western Market)
Kobe beef handled by our shop is inspected by "Kobe Chuo Livestock Shipment Co., Ltd." and "S Foods Co., Ltd.", and a certificate of inspection is issued. ( Sample material )

In order for you to purchase "safe" Kobe beef more "with peace of mind",
From September 5th, Tatsuya will only sell Kobe beef that has passed the above inspections.

At Tatsuya, based on over 100 years of experience and accurate knowledge,
We will continue to do our best so that our customers can enjoy Kobe beef with peace of mind.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

TEL: 078-331-3026 (Monday to Saturday: 10:00 to 18:00) or inquiry form

Thank you for your continued support of Tatsuya.

*Sample materials [From the article of Shokushin Tsushin 8/30]

[Beef Carcass Purchasing Certificate_Kobe Chuo Livestock Receipt Co., Ltd.]

[Radioactive Substance Screening Report_S Foods Co., Ltd.]


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